Nov 17, 2020

A Confederacy Of Dunces

By Sue Bergeron
November 17: Remember the old TV commercial for Roach Motel? It was an insect trap that was guaranteed to eliminate roaches from your home. The tagline was, "They check in but they don't check out!"  That's how I picture Trump and his administration right now. They look like the cartoon roaches in the ad, with their smug faces marching through the door of the White House, suitcases in hand. At the end of the ad we could hear a loud scream "Raid!!"---and then the sound of the roaches hitting the floor with a thud. I'm afraid on January 20th the Secret Service will have to throw open the windows at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and start throwing 'roaches' out the window by the dozens, maybe they'll even find one of those giant Palmetto bugs, also known as the Florida Woods Cockroach or Florida stink roach.

America, by a whopping nearly six million votes has chosen Joe Biden as next President of the United States. There's nothing the giant Florida stinkroach in the White House can do about it. Joe's moving into the WH on January 20th and that's that. In the House of Reps, we still hold a slim majority. We lost a lot of seats. The opposing party likes to stick this in Speaker Nancy Pelosi's face calling it a referendum of the American people against her and the Democratic platform, but that's not true or fair. More likely, it's a reaction to a very successful misinformation campaign inflicted on the American people by Trump, Fox, and social media, wherein a large enough number of voters were convinced that Dems are really covert operatives of the Communist party; they're baby eating pedophiles out to grab everyone's guns, get rid of the police, outlaw hamburgers and kill all the birds with cancer-causing windmills. Congressman (NY-D) Max Rose, an Afghan vet with a purple heart, who represented NY's only red borough---Staten Island---is a perfect example of how the vicious Republican's fear porn took back House seats, labeling Rose as a 'radical liberal.'  

Now the Senate hangs in the balance. The two Democratic candidates who will face off against the two incumbent crooks running for Georgia's 6th will decide the fate of the seat of power in the U.S. for at least the next two years. Moreover, it will settle the fate of the worst Senate Majority Leader ever to serve in American history, Mitch McConnell, who will remain able to continue to keep his title The Grim Reaper, allowing all legislation that comes to the Senate to die a swift death, if the Democratic challengers lose. He will obstruct and punish Dems for the sin of beating Trump and revise his 2009 role of keeping an iron lock on minority rule in this country and of making sure any Democratic president is a one term president. Optimists had hoped that McConnell's longtime amicable relationship in the Senate with Joe Biden would pave the way for easing the oppressive legislative gridlock we've suffered from during these past four years, finding some bi-partisan ground they could move on. Unfortunately, Moscow Mitch has shown his ugly purple hand right from his opening moves. He is staying in lockstep with our deluded and defeated president, and chosen not to recognize President-Elect Joe Biden, even two weeks after a decisive Electoral College landslide victory with Biden's 306 votes Vs. Trump's unimpressive 232 votes.

Why would McConnell do such an unpatriotic thing as undermine the sanctity and integrity of elections in what has always been considered a beacon for free and fair elections in the Western world? As James Carville might say, "It's Georgia's 6th, Stupid!" Repugnacans are still terrified of Trump. I thought they'd all be singing "Ding-Dong The Wicked Witch is Dead," but no, they still prove incapable of growing balls, individually and collectively. The Grand Old Party ain't so grand anymore. They are now afraid that the petty vindictive and vengeful Trump will punish them all by not endorsing Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue in Georgia's 6th District Special Senate race. Trump might purposely let McConnell twist in the wind if he doesn't stand by his baseless conspiracy theories and pledge 100% loyalty to the bitter end. What would Trump stand to gain if he lets the power base completely shift to the Dems? Who can say? He doesn't seem to be thinking very clearly right now. Maybe he's got "Covid brain fog." Or maybe he's crazy as a Fox Network anchor. Ratings for Newsmaxx went through the roof this week after Trump tweeted to his cult members to abandon Fox and switch to the hard-right disinformation peddler owned by Trump's longtime friend Christopher Ruddy. Could Trump believe a media acquisition is in the stars for himself, post-election, if he can't avoid getting evicted from the White House? Can you picture this headline in a future NY Post? Trump Sells Major Real Estate Holdings and Inks Deal With Newsmaxx CEO Chris Ruddy!  

Ruddy told the WSJ on Sunday that he has "no current plans" to sell his media company, but that he's open to investors and to making Trump a regular guest. Blexit Trumpie sensations of the internet, Diamond & Silk slid over to Newsmaxx from Fox, after leaving YouTube in a pissing match over ad money. Trump's former spokesliar Sean Spicer soon left ABC and followed them, upon hanging up his green tights for good, when he lost on Dancing With the Stars. Could there be a reunion of more dunces in the offing? How about "Ask Kellyanne"---a Newsmaxx reboot of the old game show "Truth or Consequences," featuring Kellyanne Conjob as host.

Trump has opened a leadership PAC in order to continue to do what he's always done ---con other people into giving him money, often under false pretenses. He cannot legally use this money for his own political campaign. So, what's it for? A legal defense fund? A start-up for Trump TV---a "news" channel that brings the American people "the unadulterated alternative facts?" God help us. We can only pray this charlatan goes to prison before he is able to inflict any more damage on the American people.

So what can we Americans do to stop the Confederacy of Dunces from continuing to hijack the Senate and steal power from us? Let your fingers do the talking, that's what. Grab your laptop and smart phone and start calling into Georgia. It's our last hope to take back the Senate for at least the next two years. The GOP are stepping on their own rat tails right now and making mistakes all over the place, creating a glide-path for the Dems to move in and sack the two whit- collar criminal Republican incumbents, Senators Loeffler and Perdue. Democratic candidates Jon Ossoff and Reverand Raphael Warnock are great contenders for Georgia's 6th. Stacey Abrams already laid the groundwork in Georgia, making great strides in registering Georgia voters with her FairFight Organization, especially getting young Atlanta voters out to the polls. This is how Biden took Georgia, after 28 years of the state voting for GOP presidents. It wasn't because of fraud. 

Go to and check out how to do remote phone bank work. Phone bank work is one of the few choices we have in campaigning in this raging pandemic, but we can do this. Here's a hint: Load your playlist with some Gladys Knight and the Pips and scarf down a nice big piece of peach pie to get yourself in the mood first. 

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