Nov 29, 2020

Everybody Knows This Is Nowhere

I think Trump used one of Neil Young's songs somewhere along the way until Young told him to stop, so using a Neil Young song as the title here is fair play.

 Watched Trump on Fox on Sunday and it was good to have the old loser back even if it was just on the phone. I wonder if he was sitting at his toy desk? The White House prop manager is said to have found a wet rattle in the deskette, I guess you'd call it. Trump looked like he was at a PTA meeting where the parents sit at the kids' desks. 

Anyhow, he was in old time lie-a-minute form on Sunday, I guess the champ being that he “easily” won the election. He also had thousands of affidavits somewhere or other to prove it. Maybe Rudy left them at the Fours Seasons with his Clairol. 

I love it when Trump presumes for the cosmos, like when he says that “everybody knows” whatever crazy lie he is pushing. Like everybody knows that if he could just get one of these cases that are constantly being thrown out of lower courts before the Supreme Court, everything would magically be reversed and he would be rocking a well-deserved second term because everybody knows that he did more in four years than any president before him even though everybody knows that they were gunning for him the minute he and the ever-popular first lady-to-be stepped off that fateful golden elevator. Everybody knows that and if you don't you are in on it, this conspiracy that everybody knows is Antifa all the way. Or something.


Trump was in full crazy talk mode on Sunday. I guess everybody but me knew that mailmen were selling ballots to the highest bidder and that Trump actually did better with Black voters than Obama did. Jeez, where was I when everybody else was knowing all this very important stuff – important to keeping the great democracy that everybody knows is being formulated by Donald J. Trump? Does everybody but me know that the minute Joe Biden takes that oath will be the end of democracy as we know it? 


I'm not everybody, sure, but I do know certain things, like the curtain is coming down on the Trump show and that he will not go gentle into that or any good nights because everybody knows that he is a whining, pitiful, sleaze loser who very unfortunately still has the power to pull down the curtain that is relentlessly falling on him and will cause as much irreparable mischief as he can before the footlights go out – in addition to the inestimable damage to America he has already accomplished.


He just pardoned an admitted felon and has a lot more pardons on tap which everybody knows he will distribute like a depraved Lady Bountiful to the slew of jailhouse Fools for Trump who didn't rat him out and now will never turn rat. 


Trump might actually believe that he “easily” won the election except that everybody knows the democrats rigged it and that it is all a fraud perpetuated on him and the American people he so readily champions.


Actually, what everybody but Fools for Trump knows is that this is all nowhere – delusional tommyrot emptiness – being cast to the political winds by a nowhere man, sitting at his little nowhere desk.

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