Trump is already bitching about presidential debates and how he wants to call the tune on when and where and how many or he might not participate.
First, if he pulls out of the debates, he will be branded publicly the chickenshit coward he has always been. Even some of his base would take it that way. So let's assume the sponsoring agency doesn't let him call the tune and he rants and raves and threatens to cancel, but finally agrees.
So who does he debate and how does he make out? I'd say it's probably going to be Joe Biden and Biden will stand up to every small trick in Trump's limited playbook.
Hillary Clinton was just too nice. She was playing by the old rules and Trump took public debating to a new level of boorishness and insult. When he was hovering over her like a schoolyard bully, she should have stopped the show and told him to get the hell back where he belonged. She didn't and he didn't.
Biden can lose his temper, which we have already seen, and in a debate with Trump, that kind of edge would keep Trump in his pee-stained short pants. Say, for instance, Trump starts ragging Biden about his son and the money he was getting in the Ukraine. Biden could fire back that is that any worse than putting your totally inexperienced daughter and son-in-law in key government positions where they haven't done anything but talk loud and say nothing? And both Ivanka and Jared are still raking in the dough from their outside businesses.
I think, too, that the undecided American voters would get a chance to see and judge in real time both Trump and Biden. Trump can't help but come off as a weird-looking serial liar and bully, while Biden is the “Uncle Joe” you might find down the street (in an affluent suburb). But the main thing is that Biden would have an answer for Trump's stupid-ass ragtime. He might be step slower, but he's been in politics long enough to know how to handle a one-note jackass like Trump.
And Whitey Pence would have to debate Biden's VP choice, Kamala Harris, and that would be no contest. She'd chew that sanctimonious traitor up and spit him out like used bubble gum. And, of course, she'd be free to go after Trump like the experienced prosecutor she is. He would tweet insults at Kamala Harris at his own risk. His tweets are so stupid and inane that her replies would make his hair stand on end, horrible as that sounds.
Trump's M.O. has always been ceaseless, merciless attack, especially against those less powerful and “rich.” Bullying is a way of life with him – hear that, Melania? – and in Joe Biden and Kamala Harris he'd be going against two tough cookies who aren't going to take any steps backward and who give him more grief than they get. They will expose him.
In 2016 Trump used slanderous nicknames and schoolyard bullying in both the party and presidential debates and it worked. He ain't going to have it that easy if he gets in the ring with Uncle Joe. It's punk against unc. I'll take unc by TKO.
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