Dec 24, 2019

Christmas Cages

Yesterday my sister, a friend, and I had a lovely Christmas lunch at the Blue Pig restaurant in Congress Hall in Cape May.

Congress Hall was decorated to the holiday nines and several young parents had their little kids in tow, and each and every one was smiling and fascinated at the Christmas atmosphere. 

Children are the treasures of our future. Donald Trump has been infinitely evil his entire life, but it is almost beyond my rational understanding how he has caged children. I looked at the children in Congress Hall and in my mind's eye I saw them yanked from their parents, taken far away, and put in dirty, evil-smelling cages, with no legible record of their existence. And there is a vast cadre of jailers who are complicit in this deep evil. Trump's evil has infected the moral bloodstream of America to the point where we can go about our Christmas lives while little children languish in cages.

It always comes back to this for me – caging children. It is incomprehensible, but it is happening as you read this. It is incredible in the America I thought I knew. To me, each and every one of Trump's acts of infinite evil pales before this caging of children. If there are any doubts of a satanic reality, look no further than these cages and Donald Trump.

Think of when your children were young and pure and look at your beautiful grandchildren and think of them alone and terrified-- for days and weeks and months – lost and grieved for by their parents, crushed now by the loss of their children. Think of these children on Christmas morning, think of them at Christmas dinner, remember them as you go to your warm and secure bed.

And think of this monster who cares no more for these lost and grieved children than he does for the country he would lead into a such normalcy. Think of a man who can go about his foul, blind daily life after having committed such an act against man and God. He stinks of evil. 

God, I truly hope that at least one television network sends a crew to one of the concentration camps for children and shows the world on Christmas Eve what Trump's America has come to, the depths of evil that we as a nation are simply watching. 

And yet we as a nation should give thanks for the selfless, anonymous lawyers and social workers who are fighting the long and hopeless-seeming battle to return these lost children to their grieving families. They are the blessed among us. 

It is constantly with me, interrupting my daily life, unbidden, this stigma of evil, this caging of children.

My Christmas – and yours – cannot be truly bright while this is happening.  

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