Apr 10, 2021


Of course, they're calling it Gaetzgate. And, of course, I'm having my own private Gloatgate.

 I am just gloating my ass off every time I see more sleazy revelations or even when I just think of what's going to happen to this gelled asshole after the media that helped create him gets through with him, which looks like it's going to be a long, long time. Not to mention what the justice system is going to do with his sorry, stupid ass. They're going to need a giant coop to hold the mega-flock of chickens that are coming home to roost. God, it feels good.


And the main reason it feels so good and gloatable is that finally, finally, finally one of the biggest and ugliest Trumpers is getting his comeuppance with absolutely no chance of Daddy Don bailing his butt out. Gloat. Gloat. No pardons, Matty. You did the crime, baby, and you're going to do the time all on your own – well, maybe not alone, jail being what it is, pretty boy. I think the term is “fresh meat.”


“The truth will prevail” he told a bunch of Trumpettes on Friday. He better hope not. The truth is Gaetz' enemy number one. The truth is going to hang him. Bet on it. Gloat. Gloat. 


He also said, “The best is yet to come.” I guess he's never heard the word “irony.”


I did a little test marketing re Gaetz on Facebook, asking folks to “Describe Matt Gaetz in one word.” Here are some words: “Excrement, Revolting, Hound, Deplorable (twice), Pervert (twice), Thug, Pedophile, Dickhead, Feh, Reptilian, Toast (twice), Hair, Gorp, Taint, Odious, Disgusting, Representative, Jerk, Slimeball, Rapist, Reprobate, Sleaze, Deviant, Branded, Goniff, Putz, Douchebag, Repub, Caricature, and Fecked” with more coming. Feel free to add your own.


Plus, he's stone on his own now, except for the high end lawyers he's hired, who let him go on in Florida in front of the Trumpettes. I guess to them – and Gaetz – silence is an admission of guilt. Makes you wonder about law schools. He should sit down and shut up, but that's not the Republican way any more.


Fox News and Trump, though, have shut up about this pomaded pervert. Uh, Matty, that should tell you something – like how does it feel to be on your own, no direction home? 


Even the Congress has opened an ethics investigation, weak tea as that usually turns out. Who cares? The entire weight of the federal investigating apparatus is focused on Gaetz, and the feds have nothing but time and man- and womanpower to spend. As the lawyer for his running buddy Joel Greenberg put it, “I am sure Matt Gaetz is not feeling very comfortable today.”


The dude is a master of understatement because Matt Gaetz should be shitting his pants now (did you notice he wore jeans when addressing the Trumpettes in an effort to be just one of the folks?).


Where he's going, being just one of the folks is a very dangerous place to be.


Gloat. Gloat.

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