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By Sue Bergeron |
It now appears that Trump is pretty much screwed. If you look at the developments of the past few weeks you might think it was all over for him. He is tanking in the polls by double digits. The New York Times has exposed him as a major tax cheat and a complete failure and fraud as a businessman. And we now know he is, in fact, not "rich" but owes some mysterious entity $410 Million.
The long list of Trump's woes includes his disastrous debate with Joe Biden. Trump's latest stunt involved calling up the Proud Boys to be his paramilitary army during the upcoming General Election, which he intends to steal. Then, mere weeks before the election, Trump revealed he has contracted the virus he's continually downplayed to the American public and has been hospitalized for it. He's been taken off the campaign trail and his hate rallies are shut down for the foreseeable future. You would think he's all done. But...
Remember, Trump is the Teflon Monster. He's an ornery old tomcat with nine lives. He's the Arnold Schwarzenegger character from "The Terminator" movie---the robot who can never be destroyed no matter what they do to him. They melt that robot, crush him, decapitate him and he shows up again and again in every sequel! Trump is Kenny from the TV show "South Park." ("They've killed Kenny again!") He's old Mr. Johnson's cat from the song "The Cat Came Back" (The cat came back, they thought he was a goner, but the cat came back the very next day...) Even Trump's niece Mary Trump (who he screwed out of millions) tells us in her expose that he once said to her (about the FBI), "They'll never get me."
I remind you of this friends, because grim as it looks for Trump, he is a treacherous and slippery adversary. Joe Biden must not just win but win with an overwhelming undisputed mandate from the people. We need a landslide victory. Trump is a dictator in training. We must stop him at the gates and here is how to do it:
Step 1) First, of course, every single eligible citizen must vote for Joe Biden. Do not vote for a write-in or a third-party candidate. Contact your Board of Canvassers now to register or update your voter information. If you changed your name (married, for example) or moved and didn't let them know, you'll get shut down at the polls or your mail-in ballot will get tossed. Time is running out for this! If you applied for a mail-in ballot and didn't receive one in a reasonable period of time contact your local board. Go online to check the rules for your state; every state is different! When you get that ballot follow the directions EXACTLY. Make sure you sign it using the same signature that's on file with your Secretary of State. I went down to my Board of Canvassers just to check if I used a period after my middle initial. Don't give them any excuse to toss your vote, especially if you live in a Republican state. There are two envelopes---you must use them both, one inside the other. Check if you need a stamp. Use the correct postage.
There have been robocalls trying to scare people into thinking that their info will be shared. This is false. If your community has special election ballot drop boxes use them. They're more reliable than regular mailboxes. But by far, the best option is to hand deliver your absentee ballot, if at all possible, to your local Board of Canvassers as soon as possible. You'll bypass any possible Postal Service delays. If you insist in voting in person prepare to have to wait in a long line. Don't forget your photo ID. Wear a high-quality face covering (and bring a back-up in case it gets wet) and insist on social distancing. Prepare for the weather. I would also bring a whistle in case anyone hassles you so you can summon security in such an event. Wear comfy shoes, take a lightweight chair (look up Sitgo.com), pack a lunch and bring a book. Do not leave before you vote!
Step 2) If you are healthy enough and have the time available check and see if your area has a Voter Protection League. This is a real bona fide organization that's been in existence for years. It's not a phony intimidation group, like one of Trump's voter suppression groups. Sign up for the local VPL and help check that the polling places are legally set up for all voters. You'll only be needed for a few hours on Election Day. I did it once and it was easy.
Step 3) Volunteer to work the polls. Polling places are having trouble getting workers, in part, due to the pandemic. I've done this work, as well. It's easy to do, is a paid job (albeit with lousy pay) and long hours, but the work is rewarding. We need all hands-on deck if we're to prevent people from giving up and walking away because they are too tired from waiting in long lines. If there aren't enough workers, the Boards won't be able to open all available polling places.
Step 4) Sign up to do phone bank work. You can do this from anywhere. All you need is a smart phone and a laptop or computer. I like VPB software. Go online and contact the Biden for President or a Senatorial campaign and they will guide you. A session usually takes only two hours of your time and you're the boss. Be advised you'll make 200-300 calls in a session, but only make about ten percent contact. That's OK, every vote counts! You won't be talking to Trump voters (usually). You'll be persuading undecideds to vote Biden and motivating registered voters to vote. Tip: Don't leave messages. they're a waste of time. Do 3-4 rings, hang up and move on.
Step 5) Search MobilizeAmerica.org. It's the official portal being used by the Democrats to organize and campaign. There are lots of digital events (Zoom watch parties for the debates, for example) and phone bank events listed.
Step 6) Don't forget that it's just as important to flip the Senate as it is to defeat Trump. Without majority power in the upper chamber it will still be an uphill battle for democracy with these feckless Republicans in office. Research battleground states where help is needed and help! For example: Let's all gang up on Moscow Mitch, for God's sake. I can't think of a worse Senator. He's destroyed the Senate and the Supreme Court. McGrath is closing in on him. Call into Kentucky and help her. Let's get rid of Collins (Maine), Graham (So. Carolina), McSally (Arizona), Gardner (Colorado), Ernst (Iowa) to name a few. Pick your favorite sycophant and go after them with your i-phone and laptop.
Step 7) Donate. I know times are tough, people. Maybe some of you really can't donate and that's OK. But if Trump hasn't wiped out your job yet, see if you can skip a few lunches or put off that new pair of shoes for a little while longer and send a few bucks to the Democratic candidate of your choice. It doesn't have to be a big donation. Small donations are what's driving a lot of these campaigns. They add up.
Make your plans to vote NOW. Above all, do not let Trump or the Proud Boys intimidate you! There's a distinct possibility he'll come roaring back, two weeks out from Election Day, branding himself "The Comeback Kid" and declaring to his minions, "See!---Covid's not so bad. I beat it bigly and I'm back to prove I'm indestructible!" And his brain-washed followers will rip off their masks, and march down to the polls on November 3rd where they will breathe all over the Biden voters and vote again for Don the Teflon Con.
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