It's all just going on and on, swirling about us like a persistent fog of hate and anger.
But the clouds are parting and the sun of reason and true patriotism is already starting to shine through.
As I write this, almost 15 million Americans have already voted. They stood in the brutal heat of Georgia and Texas, determined to wait until the end of time to cast their votes. They voted. I have a feeling – and a deep and fervid hope -- that this unparalleled early turnout is an indication that America is sick in mind and body of what the President of the United States has brought down on the very citizens that a president with an iota of humanity would be working night and day to protect.
Donald Trump, on the permanent contrary, is doing everything possible in his crazed and deluded mental state to retain his presidency at the cost of however many American lives it takes. He is a COVID 19 patient run amok in America, spreading the virus like the 20,000 lies he has already infested history with.
Last night, in Johnston, Pa., he begged American women to “like me.” Yo, asshole, American women are way smarter than that – they know a cruel and vindictive thug when they see one, they know that kids are still in cages, they know that Cory Booker isn't coming to their neighborhoods to replace their suburbs with slums.
How many civil-mined women did his vulgar and repugnant debate performance turn off? Many more than it turned on, for sure.
Oh, of course, there are women who do like him. You see them behind him, holding up “Women For Trump” signs and going goofy-eyed at the back of his duck-assed head. Write them off. They are long gone. They are the trash heap of politics. They are indeed “base,” like their menfolk.
So Trump goes on and on with his crazed dance of death, crowing about defeating the virus while Americans die by the thousands. His campaign is broke and these death-dealing rallies are the only way he has of rallying his ever-shrinking band of racists and ignoramuses.
Trump says he is now “immune” from the virus, backed up by a shameless doctor who is more proud of his White House white coat than he is of his chosen profession, whose first and most important rule is simple, “First, do no harm.” Trump is like the disease itself, corrupting all he comes in contact with.
Right now, hundreds of thousands of Americans are voting. They are wise to Trump. They are voting now to be counted. They will be counted. The old will be counted. The young will be counted. The middle class will be counted. The first time voters will be counted. Those who didn't vote in 2016 will be counted. A great swell of Americans will be counted.
And they will turn this criminal out.
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