Apr 7, 2020

Yes and No

I signed an online petition yesterday demanding the networks not carry Trump's bogus “press briefings.”

The great Lucian Truscott IV is going regularly and profanely apoplectic about all the free air time Trump is getting for what are actually campaign rallies. His anger is deep and articulate and well-founded.

On the other hand, we have five fingers, as the old saying goes. In one sense, watching these shitshows is bearing witness to the depths of Trump's evil. And witness must be borne and saved for the time when he and all his scum-suckers will be called to a clear and final judgment for what they have done with malice aforethought to this nation. 

Watching Trump also is a first-hand look at how a speed freak is trying to stop a pandemic he has let control the country. He cannot stop running his asshole-shaped mouth, waiting anxiously for whoever is at the doomsday podium to finish so he can jump back in and continue his speed rap about whatever comes into his adderall-pickled brain. 

In Trumpland, this is entertainment of a high order, except that the fun ends when there are no respirators or ventilators and red hats won't cure the coronavirus. How fun will the shitshows be then? But that will be God's and Trump's will and so be it. Write these poor, addled souls off. 

Anyone watching these daily so-called pressers who has lost anyone to the virus or who knows someone who is sick from the virus is going to have a hard time with Trump's endless blue skies and lies. 

The so-called “independents” will be a key element in November and they are out there, many watching these daily travesties. Trump is only going to get crazier as the pandemic in its inexorable, boundless march kills more and more Americans, lives that could have been saved by anyone but this spit-dribbling monster. Attention is being paid, deep and lasting attention.

And what do the crucial young people make of these crazed interludes? My bet is that enough of them are repulsed enough to vote in whichever way voting will be done that this shit merchant has to go if there is to be a country for them to inherit.

On a personal note close to home, the Five Mile Island that holds Wildwood, Wildwood Crest, North and West Wildwood, will close the beaches, boardwalk, bike paths, and seawall (in North Wildwood) beginning at midnight on Wednesday. This will last until the end of the month, although I suspect that it will be extended. Beaches are open, though, for recreational activities, but not for blankets and chairs and the seawall can be walked before 8 a.m. This is a good move. Last weekend saw a swell in the number of people coming to the island from North Jersey, Philly, and other places that have significant numbers of people who have tested positive. There is also a ban on short-term rentals.

Maybe there should be a ban on televising the “briefings,” too, although I doubt it because in America, everything is for sale, ethical morality included. 

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