Apr 13, 2020

8 to 5

The above is what are called gambler's odds and I'm taking them that Trump will pull every lever he can to get all or part of the country up and running by his self-imposed deadline of May first.

Not so coincidentally, Mayday is the international distress signal. We are going to need it. Maybe. That maybe is in the hands of the governors who have taken the lead in fighting this pandemic while Trump has been busy masturbating in front of the country every night.

I see Trump fake-agonizing over what he calls the “most important” decision of his presidency. Bullshit. It has always been there for Trump to get the country open for business again because it is all about the money with this asshole and if a couple hundred thousand American citizens have to needlessly die along the way, that's the price of doing business to him.

But those governors who are doing the right thing are going to ignore Trump's weak-ass edicts because they are actually the ones who pull the levers. Trump has no authority to re-open he country because he didn't shut it down – they did and they will re-open things in their own good and cautious time. Can you imagine Andrew Cuomo going on television and saying, “Sorry, folks, but the president's wisdom is to open the country, and I have no choice but to go along with that”? In a very polite and politic way he will tell Trump to piss up a rope.

I have the feeling that Doc Fauci won't be around by then. He is too honest and forthright for Trump to abide him any longer. The truth to Trump is the cross to a vampire, and Doc Fausi is a truth-teller even with the kid gloves he puts on to handle the maniac president. With Fausi gone, so will the last embers of truth in the White House, except for Dr. Shoulder Scarf, she of the endless charts, who does her best even knowing that the truth is a dangerous luxury. She could go, too, and then it’s bring on the renowned Dr. Oz and his coterie of quacks.

Trump is caught between what should be the rock of his greed and the hard place of letting Americans die. He isn't really. He has shown a real and vivid willingness to let thousands of Americans die already – so why should that change? And this malevolence, this thoughtless mass killing is all in the service of getting re-elected.

How do you get re-elected when there is a horrific body count that you let happen on the one hand or a Depression economy that you were powerless to stop on the other. You don't.

You get thoroughly caned at whatever kind of polls there are and you bitch and scream fraud all the way to the cozy cell on Riker's Island that has always had your name on it. Hell, if Riker's is still open by then, it will be filled by this devil's disciples – and family.

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