Oct 25, 2019

An Atheist President

Trump professes to be Presbyterian, which would be an embarrassment to that august Christian body if it were common knowledge, which it is certainly not. 

Trump has said he is “not sure” if he's ever asked God's forgiveness because “if I do something wrong, I just try to make it right. I don't bring God into that picture.”

Trump doesn't seem to bring God into anything judging by the sin-rich life he glories in. He doesn't need God because in his shriveled heart he feels that he has never done anything wrong, Never. It was all for the greater good and glory of Donald J. Trump. And having never done anything wrong, he doesn't have to “just try and make it good.” Of course.

Off the top of my head, I'd say the dude is a stone atheist, if you take that to mean a rejection of religious beliefs, including the existence of a Christian God. No one can desecrate the ideals and tenets of Christianity as this man is doing and has done his whole miserable, swampy-ass life and claim to be a Christian. What he is is a Christian of Opportunity, the talisman of every weird-ass right-wing Bible-thumping God-selling preacher in America, from mega-churches to store-fronts. Their flocks vote like the base they are.

But let's examine the case for Trump's atheism in the light of one of the cornerstones of Christianity, the Ten Commandments. Ready? From the top:

  1. Thou shalt have no false gods before me. Uh, how about old Mammon, the god of greed and riches or even Putin, who Trump seems to worship with a slavishness that's only explainable by a fear of exposure? Trump would sue a dead man to get the pennies off his eyes and he has secret seances with Putin.
  2. Thou shall make no idols. Hmm, see Trump Towers and golden toilets, etc.
  3. Thou shalt not take my name in vain. Forget about it, God, this dude curses by reflex, “Jesus Christ!” and “Goddam!” fairly soft swearing for him.
  4. Keep holy the sabbath. Trump thinks that means “Play thee golf galore.”
  5. Honor thy father and thy mother. Well, I guess he honors his father with every breath because old Freddie was an incipient Nazi slumlord. His mom was Scottish, thus Trump's fabled thriftiness in paying people – if at all.
  6. Thou shalt not commit murder. See “Kurds” as “no angels” and ethnic cleansing.
  7. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Your witness.
  8. Thou shalt not steal – except from the government for the endless trips to Mar A Largo,
  9. Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Trump would bear false witness against a ham sandwich. Ask our neighbors to the north and south. I'd say this covers lying in general and it's getting near the 20,000 mark – and that's the public lies.
10. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife nor his ass. Your witness again. He is a the King of Coveting - ass included, as long as it's the wife's. 

Basically, the Atheist-In-Chief answers to no higher power. It's all here on earth for him just for the endless taking. There is no heaven or hell. There is no guilt. There is no God. 

Only now. Only take. And take.

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