The question fetched 32 answers – not a Gallup exactly, but worth paying attention to.
There were 13 flat “no” answers. These respondents do not see any half-full glasses; they sense a democracy sliding downhill like a loose locomotive with no brakes and see a Trump victory in 2020 as the end of the the so-called “American empire.” Hell, one dude even said, “Get ready for the Chinese century.”
Two people were getting their hats if Trump wins, one going to Ireland and the other going to Berlin. “All is lost” if he wins, another said. Another said “America doesn't deserve to be saved” after a Trump re-election. Another said it would take “eons” to undo what Trump has accomplished in ruining America. “Are we worth saving?” if Trump wins was another answer. Still another said America could be saved, but “not in our lifetime.”
There were only two strong yea-sayers, one reminding that “we are a good and generous people” who will overcome the Trump blight and another said, “Nervous people, calm down and step off that ledge. Don't jump. The pendulum will swing back.”
Now these respondents are in my demographic – which is old and white – and perhaps they don't have the stamina of younger people to fight this motherfucker day and night – as he should be fought – and are plain tired of this unending assault on all they have been taught to hold sacred. Obviously, the enabling Republican party has no regard for the founding principles of a democratic nation and care only for the power to turn back this nation into a plutocracy of old white men who will take this country down the tubes rather than relinquish their God-given right to be wrong.
I deeply hope that the 13 respondents who see no hope if Trump is re-elected will not be so stricken or paralyzed by this dreaded scenario that they will stay home, hopeless, on election day.
To me, the seeds of Trumpism were sown when the first slave set foot on our shores, giving the lie to the “all men are created equal” trope that we have been spoon-fed by our so-called “leaders” who, in their hearts, knew better. This is an undeniably racist country; our national DNA is infected with the germ of racism and its handmaiden, misogyny, and these two evils have met their champion in Donald J. Trump, who has wallowed so long in the slime of his ignorance and narcissism that it is his true second skin.
These are hard times for much of America and Trump is the straw that many are grasping at in an effort to turn back the clock to a time when men were men and women and niggers knew their place. It was so much easier then, to them.
But the flow of history has never been easy, and in defeating Trump, America will be taking the first step in regaining its place among nations as a bastion of freedom and generosity.
If he is not defeated, history will end for America.
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