In 2016, America was acknowledged as the leader of the so-called free world. Its president, Barack Obama, had received the Nobel Peace Prize and was among the world's most respected politicians.
And now, in the blink of an historic eye, America has fallen off a global precipice to the point that its so-called president is considered by most true world leaders as little more than a nuisance to be shunned, as Trump mainly was at the recent G-7 conference. There is a telling image from that gathering showing Donald Trump alone at the table during a break, his face in its usual preoccupied scowl, while the legitimate leaders socialize behind him.
These are serious people going about serious, world-mattering business, and they have little time for an egomaniac whose main concern at these crucial meetings is disruption and ill will. Trump admitted he actually didn't want to show up at Biarritz for the G-7 summit and acted like it from the meetings he missed to the habitual lies he told.
America is now under the dangerous sway of a rogue president and a Senate full of majority rogue Republicans who have long since put any notions of patriotism behind them in favor of carrying out an agenda that can only lead to an even further diminution of the stature of this great nation in the eyes of the world. “Moscow Mitch” McConnell, broken shoulder and all, is daily achieving his goal of making this country a deep conservative enclave of the very rich and very white and very male traitors who have brought this country to the edge of a tragic fall from political and moral leadership. In Donald Trump, these enablers thought they had found a truly despicable tool, but Trump has actually turned the tables on them; the party of Lincoln is now the party of Trump. These shameless whores are riding a tiger they have no way of dismounting, lest their vile agenda crash with this evil beast.
Of course, Donald Trump is dangerously more than the “nuisance” he has become at meetings like G-7. The havoc he is wreaking both at home and around the world will last decades beyond that blessed time when Trump and his accomplices will be consigned to the dustbin of history.
Trump will be safely in his grave when the calamities of the global warming that he denied to his last breath have made the planet earth a vast emptiness whose shrinking land mass has made its survival tragically problematic.
But there might not be a livable land mass if Trump's incessant and irrational provocations finally lead to the nuclear war that has become a real and distinct possibility since he was questionably elected.
There also might not be a valid presidential election come 2020. Trump's welcomed and sought after Russian tampering in 2016 might be dwarfed by the disruption that looms. America is not ready to fight it. Trump and his accomplices have blocked every effort they can to prepare this country for what could be a virtual melt-down of our election system, rendering the results all but meaningless.
There is also the very real possibility that if defeated, Trump will declare the results invalid and refuse to step down.
If only he were merely a “nuisance.”
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