Jul 28, 2020

Truly Beautiful Walls

He keeps running his ugly, flapping mouth about the “beautiful wall” that is going up so fast on our Southern border. Sure, except that at the rate it is not being built, Trump will be a grease spot on the pages of history before it would ever be finished. That wall is a symbol of the ugly racism and cruelty that is the hallmark of this administration and too much of America. That is all it is good for. It is flimsy, stupid, and dangerous, like Trump himself. 

You want to see some truly beautiful walls, look to Portland where Walls of Moms, Dads, Grandparents, and now Military Veterans are lining up shoulder to shoulder to protect the protesters of racism and fascism. And these real heroes are being tear-gassed, including pregnant women, and beaten, including a Navy vet, whose arm was broken by baton-wielding government toy thugs in Army-Navy camos and mail order military gear, like they were real soldiers fighting a real enemy, instead of peaceful American citizens exercising a Constitutional right to protest.

Trump says he is just waiting to be asked by the mayors of American cities where there are protests to send in his supposed 50,000 saviors. That number is most likely a bluff; so far, the most camo cuties who have shown up are a couple hundred. It's hard to keep 50,000 “troops” off the media radar, and so far there have been no signs of that many anywhere – no staging areas, no supply trains – nothing. Trump has found that he can't use the real military for his delusions, so he and Baby Barr have drafted border patrol agents, Homeland Security personnel, and others who know little or nothing about crowd control to be their vaunted security forces in Portland and elsewhere. 

The results have been spectacular – spectacularly bad.  Trump's Troops in Portland have only further stirred the hornet's nest of protest that was actually well controlled for the most part before their body-snatching arrival.
Trump has ironically created truly beautiful, truly American walls in his  efforts to frighten suburban housewives into believing that Black Lives Matter insurgents will soon be rampaging through their leafy streets. What this strategy has most likely accomplished is to show these suburban women how unhinged and dangerous Trump and his cohorts are.

When the Wall of Moms was tear-gassed, Dads showed up with leaf  blowers to disperse the gas. True blue American citizens are more creative in protecting their rights than Trump  will ever be in destroying them. 

In Philadelphia, which Trump said he will be targeting, District Attorney Larry Krasner has emphatically stated, “Anyone, including federal law enforcement, who unlawfully assaults and kidnaps people will face criminal charges from my office.” 

Krasner has thrown down the glove and Donald Trump has not picked it up in Philly. Bullies mostly bluff. Trump knows better than to take on Philly tough. He has seen the walls – truly beautiful walls – go up in Portland and he knows they would go up in Philly, too, and that Brotherly Love does not extend to fascist pigs in riot gear.  

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