Jun 14, 2020

Donald Trump's Death Cult

Today is his 74thbirthday. But he is about death. Did you notice his Baby Doll Daughter wore a black mask on his infamous march to St. John's? When  Santa Ana besieged the Alamo, he did it under the black flag of total death. That is what the entire Trump regime is about: death.

Renegade Republican Rick Wilson wrote a book called “Everything Trump Touches Dies.” Look into the faces of his family and enablers. Jared and Ivanka have the dead eyes to match their dead souls. Melania is a Carpathian vampire. Stephen Miller is a skull with skin. Mike Pence is a bleached zombie. Their faces are death masks waiting for a funeral – America's funeral.

It is both fitting and ironic that the great pandemic sweeping the world has found its natural home in America, relentlessly killing a thousand Americans a day while the president who swore to protect them fritters and frets over bad poll numbers and urges his feeble, maskless followers to cram together to listen to him preach that the virus that will kill them is a hoax, even as he insists that they sign waivers to sue him should the hoax be real.

The White House, forever the glowing symbol of American democracy, has been turned into a death camp, fenced and barbed wired, its occupant cowering in the basement, fearing for his very life from the citizens he despises in his clenched heart. 

This is a weak and stumbling fool of a man, unable to bring a cup of water to his mouth with one hand and stumbling haltingly down a ramp that was put in place solely for him at his craven address to the West Point graduates he put at risk as easily as he downs his eighth Big Mac of the day. To hear him even mention Vietnam at West Point was a travesty to equal his presidency. 

The President of the United States – so-called – has so little regard for the lives and fortunes of its citizens that he wanted to bring its armed forces down on those who legitimately took to the streets to protest the final straw of the cop killing of George Floyd. It took the shouted refusal of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to avert what would essentially have been martial law – and the death of our democracy. But General Milley in his camos was nonetheless sucked into the symbolic walk of Donald Trump to St. John's church, where, in full view of America, Trump held the Bible upside down to show his faith to his deluded followers. It was apropos that the Bible came from the $1,500 purse of his deathly daughter and that it was upside down because the symbol for danger has long been an American flag upside down. 

Yet the Trump death spiral has enervated  true, decent Americans into the streets – again – for weeks now, in spite of the coronavirus that the death dealer in the Black House has unleashed on our country. While these patriots march in the streets, the bars and beaches are crowded with those who have bought into the Trump delusion that he and he alone has defeated Covid 19. 

There is a trail of death in America that leads to Pennsylvania Avenue. There are concentration camps in America filled with children. 

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