May 12, 2020

Biden Is Our last Best Hope

It has become excruciatingly clear that America will never defeat the coronavirus as long as Donald Trump is president. 

In watching the virus “hearings” what I saw were three doctors at a loss to present any real hope for the immediate or extended future.  Everything they said indicates that only full testing and source tracing will conquer Covid 19. With Donald Trump as president, these remedies cannot and will not happen because he hovers over any efforts and measures them only against his personal political fortunes. 

He and his administration will deny or change any “bad numbers” that interfere with Trump's over-arching mania to get America open again. This phrase – “open again” – is the magic phrase that Trump feels will rescue him from defeat in November and the very real possibility of any number of prosecutions.

And if tens of thousands more have to die along the way to this mythical “open again,” so be it. In the meantime, the states' efforts are individual and haphazard and they are left basically on their own with no viable federal guidance or support. Indeed, Trump tweeted the states' to “liberate”
the very day after Federal guidelines were introduced. The result was armed bands of thugs storming the state house in Michigan. These armed revolts spread like the virus itself to other states. The states expressed proper horror, but none took the obvious step of calling on their national guards to disperse and/or arrest these mutts. 

Another aspect of beating the virus is the very nature of American society under Trump. What is a nation to think of guidelines that the president and vice president violate on an hourly basis? There they are, the chiefs of staff of the military, sitting crowded together, maskless, while a maskless president and vice president preside over this base charade. 

America seems to be too soft and to confused to muster the strength of will to fully fight the coronavirus. Too many people would rather have their hair and nails cut than pay attention to any life-saving advice. Too many people believe all of the distortions and plain lies that Trump tells because he is who he is and they are who they are. He has found fertile ground for his delusions among them and they must be written off unless enough of them lose loved ones to the virus that the scales fall from their eyes. 

Death and chaos will triumph as long as Trump is president. The election of Joe Biden is our last best hope for any kind of meaningful survival. We might have to start from almost scratch against the virus with his election, but it will be a real and true start, not the political fakery that it has been. Without Donald Trump, the government will have a chance to work again, to put the full might of its power to work against the outbreak. 

Biden has been there. He has successfully fought against disease before. He will give America real, true facts that can be acted upon, not happy talk that kills people. He has the ability to save us – if we help him. Without Joe Biden leading and America following, we are doomed – if it is not already too late.

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