Mar 7, 2020

I Want Revenge

Revenge is supposed to be a dish best served cold, which I finally figured out means that the longer you wait, the sweeter the revenge.

Not for this child. I'm too old to wait; the sooner revenge is dished out in full measure, the happier I'll be and the better off America will be. 

Donald Trump and his coterie of traitorous enablers have the world to account to – and for. Here's what I want revenge for:

I want revenge for every lost and caged child crying cold into the heedless night.

I want revenge for every grieving and wailing parent whose children have been torn from their love and lost to the cruelty of Donald Trump.

I want revenge for every life that is being lost because of the testing failure for the coronavirus.

I want revenge for every illegal dollar made by Trump and his ugly ilk while he profanes the White House and the Constitution.

I want revenge for every pernicious judge Trump has seated to carry out his crazed whims and wishes.

I want revenge for every farmer that has gone broke because of Trump's tariffs.

I want revenge for every woman that Trump has abused, slandered, and raped.

I want particular revenge for Betsy DeVros and her institutional cruelty and every evil penny that has gone into the pockets of her charter school accomplices.

I want revenge for Melania Trump's total anti-bullying hypocrisy and for being the first shamelessly courtesan “first lady.”

I want revenge even for Barron Trump and the terrible life that lies ahead of him through no fault of his own.

I want revenge for the endless despoiling of our lands and waters under the Trump regime.

I want revenge for every defenseless animal happily slaughtered by both of Trump's laughing sons.

I want revenge for each and every one of the countless lies that are the craven hallmark of most of Trump's utterances. 

I want revenge for Trump's boastful cowardice in the face of military service.

I want revenge for every hour that Trump has spent on the golf course.

I want revenge for every ally that Trump has insulted and driven off.

I want revenge for every murderer and dictator that Trump has admired and befriended.

I want revenge for every decent and professional “adult” that Trump has weeded out on his grab for total power.

I want revenge on the ghost and shadow of Roy Cohn, Trump's Jesus.

I want revenge for every Trump rally that the American people have paid for.

I want revenge for the accomplices and enablers Trump has made of much of the mainstream media, who cannot bring themselves to call out his lies and depredations.

I want revenge for every red hat that marks the wearer as an accomplice.

I want revenge for the cowards Trump has made of the NFL owners in their blackballing of Colin Kaepernick.

I want revenge for the NFL players Trump has vilified as “sons of bitches” for protesting police brutality on black people. 

I want revenge on Sean Hannity and especially on Rush Limbaugh, that cancerous cretin. 

I want the final revenge of seeing Trump in Harvey Weinstein's old cell on Riker's Island.

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