Feb 7, 2020

Trump Triumphant: Ugh!

This TV show was called  “My Nasty Celebration” and it well could have been choreographed by Sam Beckett or Harold Pinter.

Here was the President of the United States in a crazed and nasty and mean-spirited victory boastfest. It was unbelievable – an unending series of trapezed anecdotes, hate-filled insults, gloating kudos, a stream of consciousness where the consciousness is so ego-driven that everything whirls back on him, like sludge slushing down a sinkhole. 

It was like some surreal standup in a nightclub called Delusion. It was so far beyond anything that SNL can ever come up with that I pity them if they try. It was incomprehensible; he spent five minutes on a softball game to serious applause. 

This was a gathering of warriors, according to Trump, who himself was a self-admitted VD warrior. He spoke of combat like he'd actually been there. In his mind, it was a gathering of eagles, rather than of ruptured vultures. 

They couldn't get him off, on and on, crazed elipses, loony references, all of it drenched in ill-will and a full-throttle sense of victimization. This was breath-taking in its depravity: every score settled, every enemy named, every imagined plot exposed.

Trump is nothing if not a master of moral jiu-jitsu. He accused the Democrats of everything he himself had been accused of and every one of the audience of sycophants applauded and cheered in full-throated cowardice.

He couldn't let it go. He went on and on, an hour of vitriol and preening. He cursed and praised his congressional allies as “tough” and “nasty” and “mean.” He praised his campaign as being nastier than even Andrew Jackson's. 

Previous to his TV shitshow, he defiled a Prayer Breakfast by waving newspapers and maligning Nancy Pelosi, four seats away. The gloves are totally off. 

There was not the slightest trace of remorse or apology on TV. According to Trump, the whole impeachment was the work of  “bad and evil people” and “dirty cops” and a vast deep state conspiracy that started even before he came down that fucking escalator.

He compulsively re-slandered Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Adam Schiff, Nancy Pelosi, on and on, a litany of revenge taken.

He called out a roster in the audience of his enablers, praising and busting chops like it was some kind of Victory Roast and he was the emcee. He was grooving on finally being able to spew out all the venom that he had stored in his craw during the Impeachment, tweets aside. 

The only apology from Trump was to his family; he referenced the mysterious Barron, and had the gall to call both his “honey” Ivanka and Melania to the podium for presidential props. At least he didn't pat Ivanka on the ass. 

I hope America was watching closely because this was a crazed, hour-long preview of what's in store for America until November.

Trump said this was a “celebration.” 

Let's make November his political wake.

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