Feb 27, 2020

An Ill Wind

In a breath-taking full-on display of willful ignorance, arrogance, and stone stupidity, Donald Trump stood in front of the American public and lied and lied incoherently about what is about to become his Rubicon.

“It's an ill wind that blows no good” goes the old saw, and the Coronavirus is that wind. America is going to be very sick very soon and Trump's feeble and crazed response of putting religious fanatic Mike Pence in charge of efforts to contain it will be his downfall. That is the good this ill wind can blow, as tragic as that is.

If Trump doesn't want to hear something, he simply ignores it, like he did to the CDC's warning that the arrival and spread of the virus is “inevitable.” 

“I don't think it's inevitable” was his comment. Who gives a fuck what he thinks? He is a narcissistic predator who knows as little about science as he does about decency and compassion. For him to stand at that stupid podium and go on and on about what he knows literally nothing about is an insult to this country's collective intelligence, which still exists despite his administration's ongoing efforts to make the rest of America as stupid and ill-informed as its president.

After trying since his inauguration to gut both the CDC and other agencies responsible for keeping this country safe from threats like the Coronavirus, Trump had the balls to bring up the CDC's Dr. Ann Schuchat, who had been smiling incessantly at Trump's lies and let her verify them. Thankfully, she didn't, saying that “we do expect more cases,” giving the lie to Trump's fantasy that we're already out of the woods.

Trump also posited that a vaccine is almost ready, but the National Institute of Health's Dr. Anthony Fauci put the time frame at a year before a vaccine would be available – although it might not be that affordable to many Americans, according to Secretary of Health and Human Service, Alex Azar.

So Trump lied on and on, throwing in some insults to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer for good measure, even doing some lame-ass imitations of them, actually using a press conference about a potential national epidemic as the material for a stand-up comic routine. He is as shameless as his hairdo. He is our bald soprano, singing songs of his fevered and twisted imagination when we need a bold voice of reality.

Waving a paper that he said was from Johns Hopkins and proved that America leads the world in readiness for a pandemic, he downplayed 
any notion that this country would experience what the CDC has called “a disruption of everyday life.”

America is going to suffer. And that suffering is going to be translated into a backlash that Donald Trump is going to suffer when the reality of America's suffering is stood against his lies. 

And – yes, Trump – your precious stock market is going to bite you on your fat ass, too. Let' see you lie your way out of that. This ill wind might just blow you away. And that is the good of it.

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