With the impeachment hearings apparently over for now – which couldn't be too soon for Trump and his imbecilic enablers, who got thoroughly skunked – and a Senate trial looming, I keep asking myself, “How is this going to end?”
Before I answer my own question, a word about the hearings: I feel a lot better about America's chances after seeing the march of intelligent, articulate, principled, patriotic citizens who stood up and told the facts, spoke truth to power and the American people regardless of illegal attempts to muzzle them. And our government is full of such people. They're watching our backs, as best they can, no matter the criminals at the top,
To my question. My end-game scenario is admittedly half-assed because almost any prediction is going to be subject to the vast vagaries that surround anything associated with Trump. He is an hour-to-hour “very stable genius” and must be approached as such.
With that caveat, let's go. Okay, he gets exonerated in the Senate after a five-week trial that both sides wanted to be shorter because four Democratic senators want to be out campaigning and the Republicans want as much time as possible to ballyhoo Trump's “clearing” for the election. All this desire for haste stretches the whole thing out, of course.
Parenthetically, even though Trump is found innocent, as expected, both the hearings and the trial itself lay bare so many of the criminal or shady dealings that he is at the heart of, that there is undoubtedly a shift in the way America views his presidency, according to the polls Trump lives and dies by.
Immediately upon being found innocent, Trump embarks on a full-throttle crusade of evil, free at last to bring America to heel. His election rallies become Nazi festivals ablaze with hanging MAGA banners and pre-rally torchlit marches. Trump, in a frenzy of freedom, outdoes himself in vileness. Each event is a master class in vilification. Nothing or nobody is off-limits.
In the presidential debates, Joe Biden annihilates Trump. It is like he has waited all his life for these tests, and he reaches back and deep, a 77-year-old battler, renewed now, who takes Trump out behind the school house and indeed kicks his ass.
And he kicks his ass in November, too. Trump has finally become too much for America and the renewed Biden beats him like a tin drum. Whatever impact Russia had wasn't enough.
Of course, Trump bellows that the whole thing was rigged and that he won't accept the results. The government goes on. Barr and the Trump cabinet and enablers support Trump's resistance to the results because they know that they face criminal liability under a new administration. The government goes on.
Trump's sacred polls show that a vast majority supports the election results. Trump calls for a meeting of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at which he informs them that he is placing America under martial law and that as commander-in-chief they must obey him in enforcing it.
The chairman replies that that is not a valid order and the group leaves the Oval Office.
On January 20, 2021, Joe Biden is sworn in and Federal marshals remove Donald J. Trump from the White House in manacles.
Half-assed, or what?
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